养成好习惯 梁实秋
Cultivating Good Habits Liang Shiqiu
| 译文摘自张培基《英译中国散文选二》
Men are about the same in human nature, but differ in habit. Habit is formed little by little, and most easily in one’s childhood. Once it is formed, it is difficult to break.
For example, the good habit of early rising also starts from one’s early life. Many people, however, have been in the habit of sleeping late ever since they were kids. They won’t get up till late morning on holidays and even oversleep on work days. Children are often late for school though they make a rush even without washing up. Such children, when they grow up, will often lack drive and most probably get nowhere. The story of Zu Ti1 rising at cockcrow to practise swordplay should be a good example for all men of resolve to learn from.
1,“贪睡懒觉”译为sleeping late,如:Your headache comes from sleeping late.
2,“一遇假日便要睡到日上三竿还高卧不起”直译的话会让外国人摸不着头脑,因此采取意译的方式译为They won’t get up till late morning on holidays
3,“蓬头垢面”意即“没有洗漱和整理”,也是不宜直译的一个词,现按意思译为without washing up。
4,“往往蓬首垢面的就往学校跑,结果还是迟到”可理解为一个让步句“尽管他们没有洗漱就往学校跑,仍旧是迟到”译为Children are often late for school though they make a rush even without washing up
5,“闻鸡起舞”即“听见鸡叫就起来舞剑”译为rising at cockcrow to practise swordplay,另“祖逖”是带有中国特色的词汇,宜采用释义法或加注法,此处因为释义法会造成句子的冗杂,译者采取了加脚注的方法
6,“志士”即“意志坚强者”译为men of resolve,resolve也可换为strong will,determination,aspiration。
We Chinese set great store by propriety because it is the accepted rules of social behavior. Propriety begins from the family. For example, children should keep their parents informed of their whereabouts. That is the ABC of good manners on the part of children. Yet some children just ignore their parents when they get up in the morning or come back from school. They often pull a long face and refuse to converse when they meet their elders. If they continue to be so cocky and willful without correcting themselves as soon as possible, they will never get along well with other people some days as members of society. We should be polite not only to our elders, but also to all people.
1,为子弟者“出必告,反必面”即“孩子出门或回家必须向家长说一声”或“必须告知家长”,译为children should keep their parents informed of their whereabouts.whereabout意为“行踪”
2,“起码的礼”译得很有意思,为the ABC of good manners,其中ABC作“基础知识”讲,意同basics,fundametals
4,“视若无睹”和“如入无人之境”都表示“忽视父母”,译为ignore their parents即可
5,“将来长大到社会服务,必将处处引起摩擦不受欢迎”即“将来在社会上不能与他人和睦相处”,译为they will never get along well with other people some days as members of society
It is a bad habit to talk loudly to the disturbance of others. Ask yourself if you ever made a lot of noise while others were at their studies or at work. We should be considerate of others at all times and places, caring for public order and interests and abstaining from self-indulgence. In crowded public places, you should line up and never push through to get ahead of others.
1,“大声讲话,扰及他人的宁静,是一种不好的习惯”译为It is a bad habit to talk loudly to the disturbance of others.其中to 表示”导致,致使”,表示引起某种后果
2,“不可放纵自己”= abstaining from self-indulgence使用的是一个形式上肯定、语义上否定的动词结构